Coindex Airdrop

$COIN Airdrop for Juno stakers

Total of 5,400 $COIN will be airdropped to Juno delegators.To be eligible for the airdrop, the Juno wallet must have a minimum of 10 Juno delegated.
All eligible Juno address will get the same amount.

It is small value airdrop:

Before 5 April 21:00 UTC You must first validate. Just paste Your juno address where is 10 or more uno staked
Validate Your address here:

Be carefull! Too many people complain that they have not received airdrop. Many too successfuly validated but can’t claim too.
No response from Coindex.

Snapshot: around 22 Mar 2022?? orthen when You validate?
Claimdate: 5 April 2022

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