Early contributors to the passage ecosystem, stakers and LP providers in the cosmos ecosystem
Snapshot: TBA
Claimdate: TBA
$PASG Token
– First 10,000 Strange Clan NFT holders (should be able to claim from now on) – Stakers and/or LP-providers in the Cosmos ecosystem (assuming ATOM and others)
– initial airdrop is 2/3 of the total allocation
– remaining 1/3 is available at month 14 post-genesis for wallets who staked initial airdrop for the duration
– Those who staked within a communicated timeframe will have the chance to get an extra 50% of their initial airdrop
Airdrop will take place after the public sale through LBP
Info from @Airdrops_one
Confident Crypto video about Passage3d
Official website: https://passage3d.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/passage3d
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/passage3d