L1 Airdrop

MemModern Layer 1 Cosmos SDK based blockchain with EVM, powered by the community. Made for Art and Science: bioinformatics, in silico research, AI, with NFTs, DAOs, Web3, VR, games and education in mind. “L1” [ɛl1] is a GenesisL1 blockchain utility coin valueless and all gifted to the communities. Please, read DISCLAIMER!

$L1 airdrop:
ATOM stakers GIFT distributed May 2022
EVMOS stakers snapshot: July 28, 2022, GIFT: September 1, 2022
OSMO stakers snapshot and gift TBA: https://ping.pub/genesisl1/gov/48

Snapshot date: TBA
Claim date: TBA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/genesis_L1
Genesis L1 website: https://genesisl1.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/GenesisL1