Evmos Exchange Swap
Exswap is a community-focused Uniswap v2 fork launching on Evmos. Our goal is to be the #1 AMM and the go-to protocol for the Evmos ecosystem.
ATOM and OSMO snapshot 23 Feb Eligible: 10 $ATOM, 30 $OSMO stakers and $ATOM/$OSMO LPs
INJ snapshot 1 March. Minimum 100 INJ staked and minimum 10 trades on an Injective Exchange DApp
AKT snapshot 4 March. Minimum 200 AKT staked
TERRA soon more info
EVMOS soon more info
Discord users receive Airdrop: Join to Exswap Discord here: https://discord.gg/kkHt9MeFYk
Snapshot: from 23 Feb. Stil in progress
Claimdate: TBA
Medium airdrop article: https://medium.com/@exswap.xyz/exswap-incoming-airdrops-6ff9b0d728e1
Medium article: https://medium.com/@exswap.xyz/exswap-the-evmos-exchange-swap-131a8857c31b
Official Twitter Exswap: https://twitter.com/exswapdotxyz removed