CoolCat Airdrop

$CCAT Airdrop for HUAHUA, Atom, Juno and Osmo stakers

CoolCat is a play-to-earn proof-of-stake blockchain built on the Cosmos SDK. ⚛️+🎮+🐱=✨Greatness✨
In March 2022, the gates to the world of CoolCat are finally opening. A community-led Discord server and Telegram group where early community members can discuss, govern and meme about CoolCat’s upcoming features have been created.

Juno – 2433572 (25th March 2022, 20:36:17 UTC)
Juno Proposal 16 Participation Bonus – 2293382 (15th March 2022 15:21:09 UTC)
Cosmos $ATOM & Outside Top 20 Bonus – 9862150 (24th March 2022, 07:55:55 UTC)
Chihuahua $HUAHUA – 1294333 (14th March 2022 03:12:10 UTC)

Claimdate: TBA

Airdrop is for ATOM, HUAHUA and JUNO stakers 
Include two hidden bonus drops for active and decentralisation-favouring wallet addresses of the Cosmos Hub and Juno.

The minimum amount of Cosmos Hub ($ATOM) in active delegation is set to 7.77 ATOM spread across any validator. There is NO specific validator required to be eligible to claim any section of the CatDrop. The minimum amount of Juno ($JUNO) in active delegation is set to 5.55 Juno. The minimum amount of Chihuahua ($HUAHUA) in active delegation is set to 69,420 HUAHUA.

Snapshot will happen randomly between Sunday, March 13th 12:00:00 AM UTC and Friday, April 1st 23:59:59 PM.

Medum article:

Crypto Conscious about CoolCat

Official Twitter CoolCat:
Official Telegram:
Official discord: